Forgive me followers, for I have sinned. It has been three months since my last blog post.

This post will be short and sweet but all joking aside, I’ve been slacking. Slacking at blogging, slacking at exercising, slacking at life in general. Or at least that is how I’ve been feeling. I’m not exactly sure what brought all of this on, I just kind of lost some steam. But I’m back, or at least I’m trying to be. Next time I take a break, it’s going to be on my terms.

Have you ever felt like that, though? Lately it’s kind of like I can’t get out my own way. Often I feel like I’m not being a good enough wife or mother, despite my husband’s constant reminders to the contrary. I hate feeling like that, and even worse – not really knowing why.

That isn’t the only reason I deserted my blog for a while. Summer is short here in the Northeast. Sunshine has been soaked up and adventures have been enjoyed. But we know all too well what comes next – cold, snow, and ice. True, there is still autumn, but the temps are dipping and winter is still just around the corner. Many of us try to cram so much into summer that it just flies by even quicker. We camped, hiked, and swam. We visited friends and family and took in the sights. And here we are…September. We’re already talking about plans for next summer!

Then there’s the constant bad news coming from all corners of the country and globe. A couple of weeks after my last post was the terrible Florida nightclub shooting. What do you blog about when horrendous things like this are happening all over the world? And now it’s just a political landscape in American news as we get ready for the presidential election, though the front running candidates seem anything but presidential to me.

The final thing I’ve put my finger on as a reason for leaving the blog untouched all summer, is the fact that milestones have been very slow going for my amazing preemie son. He just turned twenty months old and still isn’t walking, or even really crawling. He is army crawling, though! We’re trying to just focus on the wonderfulness of that for now! He is the biggest reason I started blogging to begin with so I think this was a big part of the hiatus.

But he’s not giving up, and neither am I! I need to set the example – in this house we never give up! We may not always succeed, but we will always try.

Stay tuned this weekend for my usual ramblings!

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